He reenlisted and had the option of changing his profession and was reclassified one of the NBC man. He was able to attend Fort Campbell where was given NBC (Nuclear biological, chemical as well Chemical) Warfare Training . He then was stationed in Baghdad for another time, a wood slab tables trip which was marked with three IED attacks and a house to house search that escalated into an attack of violence during which Hulsey along with an interpreter injured.
“We were finally able to eliminate the threat and moved out to receive aid,” Hulsey stated. “I would later be awarded a Purple Heart for injuries related to this incident; however, unfortunately it was an IED that truly injured me during this deployment.”
Elizabeth, Austin and Wyatt Hulsey team up to bake a few cookies.
When he went back for a visit to Fort Campbell, Hulsey said that he had seen a specialist in spine to treat hip and lower back pain. He was unable to fully recover, and his problem got worse. He was eventually deployed by the same organization, but to Afghanistan. His assignment was to the Tactical Operations Center and the radio until his condition improved or he realized what surgeons could do to treat injuries.
After the third deployment, wooden bangles he was released from the hospital and underwent spinal surgery to repair the ruptured discs within his lower back. He also had to fix both hips.
Sgt. Mike Hulsey and his wife Meaghan at the beginning of his military career.
Retirementnow retired, Hulsey enjoys time with his family, including his service dog Crocker and fishing. He also enjoys working at his fly-tying bench and making calls to ducks (see the photo below). He also enjoys woodworking for Meaghan, such as kits for wood shaving (see the photo below).
One of the ducks calls Sgt. Hulsey makes.
Woodworkers Mike and Meaghan Hulsey design wood shaving kits similar to that one. The Patriot Woodworker is a woodworking community that focuses on learning and sharing the art of woodworking as well as all it’s related skills. He was eventually deployed by the same organization, but to Afghanistan. His assignment was to the Tactical Operations Center and the radio until his condition improved or he realized what surgeons could do to treat injuries.